Atlantic Sounds Records, Tapes, and CDs

138 West International Speedway Boulevard 

Daytona Beach, Florida 32114

Founder and Owner : Michael Toole

Established and in continuous operation since 1982

 30,000 new and used vinyl record albums. 60,000 combined new and used record albums and CDs.

Mike has every possible genre of music that one could imagine. 

 Vinyl record albums, now making a comeback in the music world - after being overtaken by the compact disc in the late 1980's - were never out of fashion at Atlantic Sounds. 


Mike personally owns 15,000 vinyl record albums... in his private collection! 

I still own about 200 vinyl albums, the majority of which I purchased here, in the eighties. (And I don't have room for those!)

He even has a record player and headphone station for listening to the records in his store.  


Mike is able to do mail order and special order sales. He says he does prefer a self-addressed stamped envelope to be sent to him, so he can fill the order quickly and easily, and to ensure proper delivery.  (A mailer which has either been posted for the proper amount or even over-posted for the convenience of not having to go and weigh estimated package weights).

To special order, or just to inquire about a hard-to -find vinyl album, cassette tape, CD, (new or used) or even a DVD... just give Mike a call at: (386) 258-1420. He either answers the phone himself, or has one of his several employees take the call; no answering machines to deal with! 


Atlantic Sounds; its history and its future. Below is an exclusive interview on Youtube with Confederate Pictures on Friday, February 26, 2010. Michael Toole, a friend of mine for the last 27 years, and the founder and owner of Atlantic Sounds Records store, gives us the story of Atlantic Sounds Records. This is a series of excerpts from this hour-long interview, scheduled for a future release from Confederate Pictures...

Music by Tim Law from Australia.


Confederate Pictures has the following websites:

Video Sales from Search Movies & TV, under the name "George Roland Wills" (Check all three pages of listings. There are three pages of videos I have for sale so far... 25 films to date... and should have over 50 on by the end of Summer).

Movies & TV: George Roland Wills

The Avenel House Plantation documentary (with November 1, 2003 Ghost Photograph):

The Galley513 Extreme Realism Drawing Art School:

The Jefferson Davis motion picture docu-drama:

The sites for Freedom Films, Oceans 10 Productions, and Full Eclipse Productions:

The Civil War Reenactment Films:


And on Youtube, at Captbeauregards channel: